Last Date 22nd August 2009
Applications in the prescribed form in eight sets are invited from qualified candidates of Indian Nationality for the following posts in the University/Constituent Colleges of Mangalore University. The applications together with necessary documents shall reach the Registrar, Mangalore University, Mangalagangothri-574199, D.K., Karnataka on or before 22.08.2009 by RPAD. Candidates may also submit their application in person and obtain acknowledgement.
Physical Culture Instructor 1-SC (Rs. 6250-125-6500-150-7100-175-7800-200-8600-225-9500-250-10500-300-12000) (Constituent College) (State Scale)
Stenographer * 1-ST (Rs. 8000-200-8600-225-9500-250-10500-300-12300-350-14400-400-14800)
* For the backlog post of Stenographer SC candidates will be considered only if ST candidates are not available for the post reserved for ST and Vice-versa as per the G.O. No. DPAR 19 SBC 89 dated 12.07.1989.
Physical Culture Instructor - P.G. degree in relevant subject with atleast 50% marks and pass in the NET/SLET
1. A pass in S.S.L.C. or an equivalent examination, and
2. Senior Typewriting and Senior Shorthand Examinations in Kannada conducted by the Department of Public Instruction or is a Holder of Diploma in Secretarial Practice with Kannada Shorthand and Kannada Typewriting as optional (elective) subjects granted by the Board of Technical Education in Karnataka or possesses an equivalent qualification, and
3. Senior Typewriting and Senior Shorthand Examinations in English conducted by the Department of Public Instruction or is a Holder of Diploma in Secretarial Practice with English Shorthand and English Typewriting as optional (elective) subjects granted by the Board of Technical Education in Karnataka or possesses an equivalent qualification.
AGE LIMIT: Minimum - 18 Years Maximum - 40 Years
Application Fee: Rs. 150/-
The prescribed application forms along with the detailed notification may be obtained from the Registrar, Mangalore University, Mangalagangothri-574199 on payment of the prescribed application fee through challan under Head of Account Code No.006-14 or by means of Crossed Demand Draft drawn in favour of the Finance Officer, Mangalore University payable at Mangalagangothri/Mangalore alongwith the requisition letter indicating the post for which he/she desires to apply. Outstation candidates who desire to obtain application forms by post should send self addressed envelope of the size 24 cm x 18 cm. affixing the postage stamp of Rs.40/- and should submit the applications before the last date fixed.
1. Copies of Caste Certificate issued by the competent authority should be enclosed.
2. Those who are in service should send their applications through proper channel on or before the last date fixed.
3. The true copies of testimonials/Certificates/Caste Certificate/Rural Certificate/Kannada Medium Certificate/Statement of marks/Service Certificate should be enclosed to all the eight sets which will not be returned.
4. The application fee is not refundable under any circumstances.
5. All belated, incomplete and not in the prescribed form of applications in eight sets will be rejected and no further correspondence will be entertained in the matter.
6. Canvassing directly or indirectly will disqualify the candidates.
7. The University reserves the right to fill the posts or not to fill the posts.
8. The selected applicants are governed by the new pension scheme as per Govt. Order No. FD(Spl)04 PET 2005, Bangalore, dated 31.03.2006 and further any Government orders issued in this behalf.
Further Info about MANGALORE UNIVERSITY Office Jobs August 2009

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04 August 2009
MANGALORE UNIVERSITY Office Jobs | August 2009
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